I've been in Tokyo for 1 month, 2 weeks, which means there are about 2 months left. NOT MUCH TIME AT ALL. My motherboard is fried and I'm using a makeshift tablet computer so I don't have any pictures for you at the moment &&& I am sorry that it took so long to update.
Japan has been totally good to me and I was seriously considering trying to stay the rest of the school year but I don't think this is a realistic plan. I'm really jealous of all the kids I've spoken to who have already been in Tokyo for five years. I met a bunch of people who originally only intended to stay for a semester but ended up staying for three years, so I thought it would be cool if I could be one of them but I think for now I should stick to the plan of going back in December. It's just that I really want to be here. I don't know if I can come back if I don't stay now. Not to say that I don't have my issues with Japan. For instance, race is a huge deal here. To be honest it's not really something I thought about that often in America. I feel like I have assimilated to American culture pretty well, too well in fact, and so I've lost a lot of my Chinese identity. I still identify as an ethnically Chinese person, but as a Chinese-American. The first things that most Japanese people have asked me are "Where are you from? What race are you?" I say that I'm a Chinese person from America. And every single one of them thought that meant that I'm half white. The concept of Asian-American or African-American or whatever is lost on a lot of people here, even people who go to TUJ, which was really surprising to me. Then some people started telling me that I look half white, which made me feel really weird for awhile. People either told me I looked Japanese or that I look half white; it's very strange. But apparently a lot of people, especially the younger generation, view half white/half Japanese people as very attractive and a lot of them are employed by the entertainment business. So maybe they think I'm super attractive (wishful thinking).
Well I have plenty to say about Japan but I think I will save it for another time. 3-day weekend is here and I think it'll be a good one. Another thing I love about Japan is all the holidays that give us days off from school. chyeah.. I will leave you with my favorite cell phone picture - passed out pops and passed out baby at the zoo.

1 comment:
the first part of this post made me smile - i can't wait to experience all the little things about the city.
as for the second part, how strange that people couldn't grasp the idea of being something-american.
and yeah, half-japanese are generally considered pretty - i think ViVi magazine has exclusively half models, and it's like the most sold magazine in the country?
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