So, I used to have that exact dress in the right picture. I bought it at Philly Aids Thrift for $4 and I think I might have sold it at the punk rock flea market last year, I can't remember. But BOY do I regret it now if that was indeed its fate!
Lina looks so sweet in it.
I used to be really into fashion. I used to be into a lot of things actually, like music and knitting for instance, and these were things that I absolutely defined myself by. I don't know if it's because I'm just getting older and losing the naive enthusiasm of young folk. haha yeah, or I've just uncovered another symptom of clinical depression.
I already wrote about it but I feel like I had this revelation of sorts after watching The Science of Sleep tonight. Whenever I've watched this movie in the past, I always feel very inspired afterwards to create something with my hands, if only for 'shallow' reasons (because the whole set looked kewl). I always forget that 'pain and suffering' are great material for art! Not that I'm particularly in pain or am suffering in the larger sense of those ideas, but there's something going on in there. So right now, I feel an urge to create not only to surround myself with beautiful objects but also to surround myself with evidence that I can channel this into something creative, productive, and personally meaningful. SO THANKS MICHEL! I propose a big arts&craft party after finals.