This must have been the umpteenth time that I've seen The Science of Sleep but this time, I could really relate to the main character, Stéphane Miroux. It was strange. On the one hand, I was excited to find what seemed to be a stimulating visual representation of my feelings at the moment and to know that it's quite a common feeling at that, but on the other hand, how does that help me? Reality is generally a big disappointment, and Stéphane's character is pathetic. Hopefully wisdom and a greater sense of calm comes with age. So that is what I have to keep reminding myself.. I can't wait to be old.
"Will you marry me when you are seventy? You'd have nothing to lose." Ha.
hey, thanks for the invite.
this is one of my top 5 favorite films. it sparked an embarrassingly real crush on gael. i was single at the time..
hey, I find it perfectly acceptable to crush on gael, single or not. HE FINE!
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