Monday, November 8, 2010

Noble Fibers

BE LINEN MOVIE from Benoit MILLOT on Vimeo.

you've probably not spent much time thinking or caring about fibers, but just in case you are interested, this is a short about the production and qualities of linen. I love learning about fibers/fabrics/textiles.. one of the interviewees in the film says about linen, "I love this fiber because I believe in it." this is the ultimate goal, to truly know and believe in what you do, to completely give yourself in to it. to classify a material as noble.. I absolutely love that.

these are probably not linen-based, but I have been thinking a lot about the qipaos that Maggie Cheung wears in In the Mood for Love. I wouldn't mind revamping my wardrobe to one that is strictly qipaos, as long as they look [and fit] like these. by the way, Maggie Cheung is a babe.

more images from here

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