I don't know what it is but I find that in the past year or so I have become quite an emotional person. I would say that I am usually perceived as a kind of serious, darkly sarcastic person or something along those lines. Today was spent crying over an old episode of project runway (episode 10 of season 8). It was the episode where they had to design a textile inspired by a personal memory. Everyone got a surprise visit from their moms, which was super emotional, and Mondo, my absolute favorite from all the seasons, revealed at panel that he has been HIV positive for the past ten years, and I just lost it. It's kind of like
when someone barfs near/on you and you just can't help but to barf as well. Lately when I see people cry, I feel like crying too or I at least get that tightness in the back of my throat and need a few moments to simma down. Maybe this means I am becoming a more compassionate person? doubtful.

oh, and happy new year by the way. If you are reading this,
I probably love you too.
1 comment:
horaay for compassion
and hooraay for a happy new year lily!
although some may describe you as serious and darkly sarcastic i just thought you were from another planet. Aldor i believe. Of the people i've met there on earth their personalities maybe interepreted as "dark" but on aldor they are wonderfully aware, interpretive and have a british sense of humor.
also everyone from aldor upon graduating from college is given a farm where they must raise alpacas for two years or join the aldorian army
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