Samantha Brooke
Graduate Fashion Week at Central Saint Martins makes me cream myself a little bit, especially the knit bits. In case you wanted to know. Gaaah why didn't I go with fibers/textile design? Oh right, I haven't a shred of talent. But I do love it ever sooo much. I meant to post awhile ago that I finished my first pair of knitted shorts. I'm helping my sister with a photo shoot soon so maybe we'll kill two birds with one stone and I'll model the shorts then and show them off to all you loyal readers. In the meantime, I think I may just watch The Science of Sleep again and do some mindless knitting. It will never get old, but I really do need a new knitting movie.. BECKY?!
but if you for realz want a movie movie movie, try torremolinos - the movie about a couple who starts making pornos - OR - the count of monte christo - oldie but goodie, two parts and in french. Theguy's nose is a character of it's own, and some of the old school clothing is inspiring. (^^)
Furthermore, if not intrigued to watch a newbie, I feel as if you could do with some spirited away and dote on the meaning of the muddy demon who smells :)
you should check out Jim Drain's work, he's an artist i learned about at work, does a lot of colorful knitwork some really cool patterns.. i just googled him but an example:
thanks for all the suggestions. That Jim Drain is pretty wild. I read he aspires to get to the level of Bjork's knitted/crocheted fashions, so that explains some of it.
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